High Scalability

Scalability is the ability of a system to provide throughput in proportion to, and limited only by, available hardware resources. A scalable system is one that can handle increasing numbers of requests without adversely affecting response time and throughput.

The growth of computational power within one operating environment is called vertical scaling. Horizontal scaling is leveraging multiple systems to work together on a common problem in parallel.

OKiT247 scales both vertically and horizontally. Horizontally, OKiT247 servers can increase its throughput with OKiT247 server clusters, where several application server instances are grouped together to share a workload.

Also, OKiT247 provides great vertical scalability, allowing you to start several virtual machines from the same configuration files inside a single operating environment (automatically configuring ports, applications and routing). This provides the advantage of vertical scaling based on multiple processes, but eliminates the overhead of administering several separate application server instances.


High Availability

The availability of a system or any component in that system is defined by the percentage of time that it works normally. The formula for determining the availability for a system is:

Availability = average time to failure (ATTF) / [average time to failure (ATTF) + average time to recover (ATTR)]

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